Who ever said you can have too many chefs in a kitchen?
Every few months twelve rising star chefs from around Argentina get together. They discuss ingredients and gauchos, wine and sustainability. Most importantly they cook.
The alliance of young chefs, called GAJO (Gastronomía Argentina Joven), intends to elevate Argentinean cuisine beyond beef. They do this by educating producers, chefs, and waiters so that as a unit they can ensure high quality food and reasonable prices in every part of the country.
GAJO’s Chefs: Soledad Nardelli, Matias Khyriasis, Juan Pedro Rastellino, Hernan Griccini, Fernando Hara, Antonio Soriano, Martin Baquero, Hernan Gipponi, Rodrigo Castilla, Gonzalo Aramburu, and Yago Marquez.
We wish to promote:
- Ensuring that every area conforms to the gastronomic industry in Argentina to the highest professional level. Support the investigation and education of producers, chefs, waiters and sales persons.
- Using local produce with gastronomic relevance.
- Using seasonal produce, at its best quality, at reasonable prices and available throughout Argentina.
- The promotion of foodstuffs, producers and suppliers who focus on their work to ensure the highest quality.
- Guarantee of products’ origin.
- Respect of proper hygienic conditions, manipulation and conservation of foodstuffs.
- Promoting the work of those colleagues whose work is defined by these values.
- The ethical practice of our profession.
- Respecting our environment.
The next dinner, their third thus far, will be ‘Gajo Cocina Origen’ on November 1st at the restaurant Hernan Gipponi in the Fierro Hotel in Palermo Hollywood, Buenos Aires.
Price: 430 pesos per person (approx $91.43 USD). *Note: spots are limited and are selling out quickly.
Writer and photographer Nicholas Gill is the editor/publisher of New World Review. He lives in Lima, Peru and Brooklyn, New York. His work has appeared in publications such as the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, CondeNast Traveler, National Geographic Traveler, Afar, and Penthouse. Visit his personal website (nicholas-gill.com) for more information.
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