Two Sides for the Perfect Asado

The Argentine asado is a true wonder, a celebration of fire seared bovine flesh, an orgiastic festival of the consumption of cow, a glorious litany of … I could go on… excessive description comes easy when dealing with a fine asado.
No asado, however, is complete without a good chimichurri, an intensely flavoured salsa good for a chorripan or as a relish for your meat. To really impress your argentine guests, have a jar of berenjenas a la escabeche stading on the table. The berenjenas (eggplant / brinjal) are cooked and bottled in a pickling brine (escabeche) and are excellent with bread as an accompaniment to the salami and cheese tabla as well as with your meat. The flavours of both improve with time – particularly the berenjenas should be stored for a few months before tucking in.