For more than 120 years Mendoza, Argentina’s Mercado Central (central market) has occupied the same place a few minutes from the center plaza. Not overly polished or touristy, it’s an inexpensive break from the slick eateries that dominate central Mendoza. There’s no glossy finish, just the raw, grit deal. Butcher’s chop up bloody innards. Spice stalls intoxicate. Old school yellers push fish or meat or slices of pizza.
Market Finds:
-olive oils
-sausages (morcilla, salami, etc)
-cheeses from the Tafi valley
-bowls of locro
-slices of pizza
-cured ham
-dulce de leche
-tortitas raspadas
-nuts (almonds, cashews, peanuts, etc)
Mercado Central
Corner of Av. Las Heras and Patricias Mendocinas
Mendoza, Argentina
Hours: Stalls are open daily from 9am to 1:30pm and 4:30pm to 9pm.
Writer and photographer Nicholas Gill is the editor/publisher of New World Review. He lives in Lima, Peru and Brooklyn, New York. His work has appeared in publications such as the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, CondeNast Traveler, National Geographic Traveler, Afar, and Penthouse. Visit his personal website (nicholas-gill.com) for more information.
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[…] you’d like to see some pics of the market see here and here, as you’ll see it’s a slightly posher […]