The Washington Post’s Spiritis editor takes on the topic of Pisco on a visit to Peru to discover just how little he knew in Pisco, Perus Drink From the Desert – washingtonpost.com. Also check out the accompanying travel article, Pisco Sipping in Peru. Neither article delves too much in the technical aspects of the spirit or the differences between the distillers (like the one I have been shopping around!!) though it is a refreshing look at Pisco and takes into account drinking it straight.
Writer and photographer Nicholas Gill is the editor/publisher of New World Review. He lives in Lima, Peru and Brooklyn, New York. His work has appeared in publications such as the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, CondeNast Traveler, National Geographic Traveler, Afar, and Penthouse. Visit his personal website (nicholas-gill.com) for more information.
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