The Nikkei (Japanese-Peruvian) take on ceviche is tiradito. Like ceviche raw fish is marinated in lime juice, where the citric acid cooks the fish. It is served in a number of ways, but the common traits are thin slices of fish. Usually there is a thick aji-based sauce (a yellow aji amarillo or red rocoto) over top of it. At the restaurant Mancora in New York’s East Village, the two dishes are combined: thinly sliced fished in lime topped with the typical accompaniments of Peruvian ceviche (corn, sweet potato, purple onions, and cilantro).
Writer and photographer Nicholas Gill is the editor/publisher of New World Review. He lives in Lima, Peru and Brooklyn, New York. His work has appeared in publications such as the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, CondeNast Traveler, National Geographic Traveler, Afar, and Penthouse. Visit his personal website ( for more information.
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