For the past few months I have been pushing the NYTimes travel section to do a story on Peruvian chefs in the Amazon, but they had some similar story waiting to run. In last weekends travel section I discovered what that story was. Jay Cheshes, whose food writing I admire greatly, went to Quito, Ecuador to explore the Peruvian restaurants and Peruvian chefs that have sort of taken over the dining scene there (In Quito, Ecuador, Peruvian Chefs – NYTimes.com). I have written about many of the restaurants he visits on this site before (Zazu for one, which I recently revisited…write up coming pronto). I don’t agree with the hype of all of them, but it’s a decent round up of Peruvian restaurants in Quito nevertheless. The story outlines just one part of a growing trend of Peruvian restaurants/chefs/chains being exported all over the Americas. For example, just look at this piece on Peruvian restaurants in Buenos Aires for LAN’s inflight magazine or this article about Peruvian restaurants in San Francisco in the Times.
Writer and photographer Nicholas Gill is the editor/publisher of New World Review. He lives in Lima, Peru and Brooklyn, New York. His work has appeared in publications such as the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, CondeNast Traveler, National Geographic Traveler, Afar, and Penthouse. Visit his personal website (nicholas-gill.com) for more information.
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